Awareness week – How can you reduce your risk

Awareness week – How can you reduce your risk

Awareness week – How can you reduce your risk

23 January 2020

We want to ensure all women and people with a cervix know how cervical cancer can be prevented.

This means:

Attending cervical screening (smear) when invited.

Know the symptoms of cervical cancer and seek medical advice if experiencing any. (Remember you know your own body better than anyone)

Taking up the HPV vaccination if aged 11 – 18.

Knowing where to find support and further information.

Websites for support:

#amberslaw #cervicalcancerawareness #dontfearthesmear

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Our education efforts are only made possible by your generous donations so please consider a gift to Amber’s Legacy so we can continue our great work in Amber’s name.

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Our education efforts are only made possible by your generous donations so please consider a gift to Amber’s Legacy so we can continue our great work in Amber’s name.

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Our education efforts are only made possible by your generous donations so please consider a gift to Amber’s Legacy so we can continue our great work in Amber’s name.


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Amber's Legacy is a Registered Charity. Charity Number: 1203880

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Amber's Legacy is a Registered Charity. Charity Number: 1203880

Copyright © Ambers Legacy 2023


Stay up to date with the latest news and events

Amber's Legacy is a Registered Charity. Charity Number: 1203880

Copyright © Ambers Legacy 2023