The Smear on Demand Campaign meet with senior officials of Public Health England

The Smear on Demand Campaign meet with senior officials of Public Health England

The Smear on Demand Campaign meet with senior officials of Public Health England

15 January 2020

We joined Chester MP, Chris Matheson, to meet with officials of Public Health England in the fight to change current smear test legislation.

The meeting proved to be a positive advancement in our campaign, with senior officials recognising the need for a more accessible route to cervical cancer screening and agreeing to support this change in discussions with the Royal College of General Practitioners.

The meeting was featured in the Cheshire Live, you can read the article here.

Watch Orlagh Robson talk about the meeting below. Don’t forget to follow @SmearOnDemand on social media!

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Our education efforts are only made possible by your generous donations so please consider a gift to Amber’s Legacy so we can continue our great work in Amber’s name.

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Our education efforts are only made possible by your generous donations so please consider a gift to Amber’s Legacy so we can continue our great work in Amber’s name.


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Amber's Legacy is a Registered Charity. Charity Number: 1203880

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Stay up to date with the latest news and events

Amber's Legacy is a Registered Charity. Charity Number: 1203880

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